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It supports almost all Android smartphones, tablets, Apple iPhone, iPad and iPods. ” — The Tech Hacker: Review, July 2014. mdat(Midia Data Box)MP4文件的媒体数据存放在这里。mdat中的数据帧依次存放,每个帧的位置、时间、长度都由moov中的信息指定。 mdat Box 基本上占据了视频大小的 95% 以上,得益于 mp4 边下边播的效果,浏览器获取到了部分 mdat box,就可以进行播放。 media server for personal streaming movies tv music photos in mobile app or browser for all devices android iOS windows phone appletv androidtv smarttv and dlna VLC for Android is a full port of VLC media player to the Android™ platform. It can play any video and audio files, network streams and DVD ISOs, like the classic version of VLC. Supports various types of 3D glasses so you can get the 3D experience anytime you want using your 3DTV or PC. Various output format (Side by Side, Top and Bottom, Page Flipping) supported. moov (Movie Box)是一个 container box ,一般跟随在ftyp之后,有且只有一个。. 其不包含具体媒体数据,但包含本文件中所有媒体数据的宏观描述信息(视频创建时间、视频修改时间、播放速率、视频时长、音量大小、视频宽高、字幕语言、声道、视频/音频帧位置 等)。.
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