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It is primarily a Windows application, but was ported to Mac OS, Mac OS X, Linux, CTOS and OS/2. It competed against Aldus Freehand, Adobe Illustrator, and Micrografx Designer.


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108,195 likes · 144 talking about this. Welcome to the official Corel page. This is the place for fans like you to connect and get access to exciting product news, software Overview. CorelDRAW X4 merupakan salah satu software design grafis berbasis vektor yang masih banyak dicari oleh para desainer diluaran sana. Meski versi lama namun hal ini dikarenakan spesifikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan software ini sangat kecil tidak seperti CorelDraw X7 maupun X8.. Jika kamu ingin membuat desain seperti gambar, logo, banner, kaos dan lainnya, software ini adalah CorelDRAW is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation.It is also the name of the Corel graphics suite, which includes the bitmap-image editor Corel Photo-Paint as well as other graphics-related programs (see below). The latest version is marketed as CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2021 (equivalent to version 23), and was released in March, 2021.

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41 CorelDRAW for Screen Printing. For decades, professionals in the screen-printing industry have relied on CorelDRAW to create artwork for a variety of design projects such as … corel百度云搜索。共找到85个下载资源。corel draw创艺(一套很老的基础教程附原文件).rar,文件大小:8.35 MB,分享时间:2018-12-08 This article contains two sets of instructions: I already have the product installed on my computer - I do not currently have the productinstalled on my computer - Please follow the instruction 论坛公告:等待验证会员 请看此贴说明进行验证 (2017-5-20); 论坛公告:遇到提示【账号激活=-1】的新、老会员看过来,回复专贴立即激活! 会声会影x5是一套专业的dv,hdv影片剪辑软件,能够完全满足个人和家庭所需的影片剪辑功能,且操作简单,业余爱好者也能很方便的使用其编辑出专业水准的视频!会声会影x5可让您以强大、新奇和轻松的方式完成视频片段从导入计算机到输出的整个过程。 Corel, Ottawa, Ontario. 108,199 likes · 137 talking about this. Welcome to the official Corel page. This is the place for fans like you to connect and get access to exciting product news, software Corel, Ottawa, Ontario. 108,195 likes · 144 talking about this.